Carbimazole Remedica

Carbimazole Remedica Special Precautions





HealthCare PharmaScience
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Special Precautions
Patients should be warned to report the development of mouth ulcers or sore throat, fever or skin rashes that occur during therapy with Carbimazole since these may be indicative or abnormalities in the blood. In such cases drug treatment should be stopped and medical advice to be sought. Early withdrawal of the drug will increase the chance of complete recovery.
Use in Pregnancy: Carbimazole can be given in pregnancy, although it crosses the placenta and in high doses may cause fetal goiter and hyperthyroidism. Dose reduction should generally be quicker in pregnant than in non-pregnant patients (bearing in mind clinical state), and in most pregnant women it is possible to discontinue antithyroid drugs well before parturition.
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